Distributed Systems for Real-Time Computing in Cloud Environment: A Review of Low-Latency and Time Sensitive Applications


  • Nisreen Abd Alnabe Duhok Polytechnic University, Duhok, Iraq *Nisreen.nabi@dpu.edu.krd
  • Subhi R. M. Zeebaree Duhok Technical College, Duhok Polytechnic University, Iraq




Cloud computing, load balancing, load balancing algorithms, Low Latency, cloud analyst.


As a result of its many benefits, including cost-efficiency, speed, effectiveness, greater performance, and increased security, cloud computing has seen a boom in popularity in recent years. This trend has attracted both consumers and businesses. Being able to process and provide data or services in a quick and effective manner while adhering to low latency and time limits is the hallmark of an efficient distributed system that is designed particularly for real-time computing in cloud environments. It is essential to place a high priority on low latency and time sensitivity while developing and putting into action a distributed system for real-time computing in a cloud environment. In order to fulfil the particular requirements of the application or service, consideration must be given to a number of different aspects. In particular, the topic of load balancing will be discussed in this paper. It is possible to ensure a more effective distribution of workload and reduce latency by using load balancers, which distribute incoming traffic over many servers or instances. The throttled algorithm is believed to be the most efficient load balancing strategy for reducing service delivery delay in cloud computing. This research investigates a hybrid method known as Equally Spread Current Execution (ESCE), which is known for its combination with the throttled algorithm.


