Distributed Resource Management in Cloud Computing: A Review of Allocation, Scheduling, and Provisioning Techniques


  • Nabeel N. Ali duhok polytechnic university
  • Subhi R. M. Zeebaree Energy Eng. Dept., Technical College of Engineering, Duhok Polytechnic University, Duhok, Iraq




cloud computing, resource management, allocation, scheduling, provisioning


This review paper provides an in-depth examination of distributed resource management in cloud computing, focusing on the critical elements of allocation, scheduling, and provisioning. Cloud computing, characterized by its dynamic and scalable nature, necessitates efficient resource management techniques to optimize performance, cost, and service. The study encompasses a comprehensive analysis of various strategies in resource allocation, scheduling methodologies, and provisioning techniques within the cloud computing paradigm. Through comparative analysis, this paper aims to highlight the synergies and trade-offs inherent in these methods, offering a holistic view of distributed resource management. It contributes to the field by bridging the gap in existing literature, presenting a critical, comparative analysis of current strategies and their interplay in distributed cloud environments.


